“Migration of secondary database in not supported” error

If you get this error when trying to migrate export a checkpoint configuration from a management server use this tutorial .

To verify the Primary/Secondary state of the server, run

# cpprod_util FwIsPrimary

  • returns ‘1’ if the server is the Primary
  • returns ‘0’ if the server is Secondary

So the workaround is to trick the ‘migrate export/upgrade_export’ tool into believing that its running on the Primary and not on a Secondary.

To do this, run this command.

# cpprod_util FwSetPrimary 1

Verify this change by running the “cpprod_utill FwIsPrimary” command again. Once this parameter is set to ‘1’, you should be able to run ‘migrate export’ or ‘upgrade_export’ (depending on the version) without it causing an issue.

Once the upgrade_export is complete, change the setting back to ‘0’ by running the following command

# cpprod_util FwSetPrimary 0


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